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Divorce Attorney in Colleyville
Providing the Assistance You Need to End Your Marriage
Divorce is the end of a rough journey that has resulted in a failed marriage, whether through unresolved conflict or simply an unfulfilled relationship. For most couples, nothing about the divorce process is easy. There are bound to be painful emotions when abandoning what once seemed like a promising future with your mate. Even so, you still have choices when it comes to how you will approach divorce to reduce your emotional burdens.
Having an experienced divorce attorney in Colleyville can make a significant difference in how smoothly the process goes.
At the Law Offices of Kate Smith, PLLC in Colleyville, I provide personalized, individual attention for clients undergoing divorce. Kate Smith fully understands what her clients are experiencing and offer them alternatives to help them make the best decisions possible.
Alternatives to courtroom litigation such as a negotiated settlement, arbitration, mediation and collaborative law can often be used to effectively in divorce cases. In some cases, in order to arrive at a favorable outcome or to reach our client’s objectives, she has to take their case to trial. Under these circumstances, our law firm seeks to protect our client’s rights to the fullest degree. Attorney Kate Smith is respected and well-known among other attorneys and judges for our common sense and straightforward approach to cases.
Our divorce attorney in Colleyville is dedicated to guiding you through each step of the divorce process, ensuring your rights are protected.
If you are filing for divorce in Colleyville, it is time to get experience on your side. Call my Colleyville law office at 817-479-0534 to learn how I can assist you.
Texas Grounds for Divorce
Under Texas law, a couple can file for a ‘‘no-fault’’ divorce, in which case, neither party bears the blame for break-up of the marriage.
Couples can also file ‘‘fault’’ as grounds for divorce, which include the following reasons:
- Adultery
- Cruel treatment
- Abandonment (1 year)
- Long-term incarceration (more than 1 year)
- Confinement to a mental hospital (3 years)
- Living apart (3 years)
Consulting with a divorce attorney in Colleyville can help you understand which grounds for divorce may apply to your situation.
Ending a marriage often involves many issues. Issues regarding alimony, child custody, child support, visitation, and property division will each be addressed as part of the divorce process. If a question arises regarding parentage, paternity may also need to be resolved.
Finalizing Divorce
Once the terms of the divorce are set, the court will prepare the final decree that dissolves the marriage. There is a 60-day waiting period in Texas from the day the petition for divorce is filed until the court may enter the final decree. Of course, when couples have difficulty agreeing on divorce terms, cases take longer to finalize.
Our divorce attorney in Colleyville will work diligently to ensure that your divorce is finalized as efficiently as possible.
Reach Out to Our Colleyville Law Office for Skilled Legal Representation Today!
A divorce lawyer advocates clients’ attorneyrights in divorce proceedings and all other legal areas associated with divorce. At Law Offices of Kate Smith, PLLC, I treat our clients with respect and holds their matters in the strictest of confidence.
When you are faced with dissolution of your marriage and need legal advice, call my Colleyville law office at 817-479-0534 to learn how I can assist you.
What Makes Law Offices of Kate Smith, PLLC Different
Providing an Unmatched Experience