Collaborative Divorce
Relentless Advocacy in Pursuit of Your Legal Goals
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Collaborative Divorce in Colleyville
An Alternative Approach for Dissolving a Marriage
Collaborative Law is a powerful, binding, yet non-litigation approach to solving legal problems, and is highly effective in family law, especially in divorce proceedings. When disputes involve children and parents, collaborative law makes it easier to preserve relationships among children and parents long after the legal action is complete.
At the Law Offices of Kate Smith, PLLC in Colleyville, I am trained in collaborative law and will utilize its methods for resolving divorce and other family law issues when clients are interested in resolving a case privately and in an amicable and respectful setting.
Perils of Litigation | Understanding Collaborative Divorce in Colleyville
In litigation, spouses are essentially asking a judge to render decisions regarding their children and property. Each side prepares a case to persuade the judge and jury that only their view has merit. Airing each party’s weaknesses, failures, misdeeds, and mistakes in a courtroom are embarrassing to both parties, shattering both trust and respect. After such a wrenching experience, a respectful post-divorce partnership has little chance of succeeding, much less nurturing the children.
Collaborative Divorce in Colleyville: A Hopeful Solution
When resolving a case through collaborative law, spouses engage in a series of settlement meetings outside the courthouse. Attorneys trained in collaborative law represent each party.
Collaborative sessions incorporate a neutral communication specialist and a neutral financial expert, both of whom are trained in the collaborative law process to serve as unbiased consultants to all parties. All agree to abide by strict rules of communication to facilitate courtesy, respect, and results. The spouses, their attorneys, and the neutral specialists are encouraged to speak freely during meetings.
Everyone works together as a team to share documents and set goals, agendas and realistic deadlines. All work toward serving the interests of all parties, especially the children. If other experts are needed, for example, to appraise the value of a home and the costs of needed home improvements, the parties can agree to hire one neutral expert for each intended specialized purpose.
Choosing collaborative divorce in Colleyville means prioritizing the well-being of your family and focusing on solutions that benefit everyone involved. Our experienced collaborative divorce attorney is here to support you every step of the way.
Contact Our Law Office Today to Get Started on Your Case!
At the Law office of Kate Smith, PLLC in Colleyville, my training and wealth of experience in the collaborative law allows us to help clients avoid not only driving a wedge between whatever remains of the marital or parental relationships, but also the high cost of litigation. I focus on the big picture, offering our local clients a kinder and gentler way to help them resolve divorce and other domestic issues to the optimal benefit of them and their children.
Collaborative divorce in Colleyville is a forward-thinking approach to resolving marital issues. By working together with your spouse and our legal team, you can achieve a resolution that respects everyone’s needs and preserves family harmony.
When you need legal help with a divorce or other sensitive family law matter, please call my law firm at 817-479-0534 to discuss your needs with a Tarrant County collaborative law attorney and learn how I can help you.
What Makes Law Offices of Kate Smith, PLLC Different
Providing an Unmatched Experience